Έν οίδα ότι ουδέν οίδα” a quote by Socrates (ancient Greek)

This translates toOne thing I know is that I know nothing

It is very easy for a person, including myself, to go into a pitfall and believe that while we get only a drop of the ocean we think we have the knowledge of all the ocean. It is normal for human beings after some achievements to think that they have learnt everything they need to know about themselves. By comparing with others, it is easy for a person’s ego (false self) to take over and think that they are superior or even inferior and create an imbalance in their energy level. Life is a journey of self-exploration, using all our experiences to develop ourselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Human abilities are unlimited and the more we activate them, the more we realize that we can achieve, do, complete, and develop. According to the modern psychology we are aware only of the about 10% of our conscious mind. The other 90% consists of the unconscious mind that decides about the actions of our lives. We are on a kind of automatic pilot, where the power of imagination is much stronger than the willpower. Breathing, walking or feeling hungry are some of those good subconscious programs. On the other side there are some subconscious programs, events, memories or scenarios that do not serve our highest purposes in life. It is those experiences, memories or events that happened in childhood, in prenatal period, in past lives or in memories of our ancestors, that we would normally like to change, to achieve a better life.